У суботу, 18. маја, поводом Међународног дана музеја и Европске ноћи музеја, у Музеју Херцеговине у Требињу отворена је изложба Ликовног атељеа за одрасле образовног центра Церовац.
Ивана Грујић, директор Музеја Херцеговине у Требињу, истакла је да су представљени радови наших суграђанки, у чији таленат и квалитет радова смо се увјерили и прошле године и посебно се захвалила умјетницама које су остале истрајне у својој жељи да додатно усаврше свој таленат. Овакве манифестације су прилика да музеји буду отворени и за оне који немају академско сликарско образовање, рекла је гђа Грујић.
Миљана Мискин, директорка Образовног центра Церовац, навела је да су изложени радови 13 умјетница, настали у току протеклих годину дана. Радови су различите тематике, рађени различитим техникама, а чланице атељеа су бирале најдраже мотиве које су представиле на себи својствен начин, рекла је Мискин.
Оља Ћук, једна од професорки која ради са чланицама атељеа, захвалила се Музеју Херцеговине на сарадњи и прилици да по други пут излажу у оквиру Европске ноћи музеја.
Снежана Домазет, професорка, захвалила се публици на одзиву, умјетницама које су и ове године оправдале повјерење и новим чланицама које су за кратак период урадиле одличне радове. Изложена су 64 рада који су у рангу професионалних умјетника, рекла је Домазет и прогласила изложбу отвореном.
On Saturday, May 18, on the occasion of the International Day of Museums and the European Night of Museums, the exhibition of the Art Studio for Adults of the Cerovac Education Center was opened at the Museum of Herzegovina in Trebinje.
Ivana Grujić, director of the Museum of Herzegovina in Trebinje, pointed out that the works of our fellow citizens, whose talent and quality of work we saw last year, were presented, and she especially thanked the artists who remained persistent in their desire to further improve their talent. Such manifestations are an opportunity for museums to be open to those who do not have an academic painting education, said Mrs. Grujić.
Miljana Miskin, director of the Cerovac Education Center, stated that the works of 13 artists, created during the past year, were exhibited. The works have different themes, made with different techniques, and the members of the studio chose their favorite motifs, which they presented in their own way, Miskin said.
Olja Ćuk, one of the professors who works with the members of the studio, thanked the Museum of Herzegovina for the cooperation and the opportunity to exhibit for the second time as part of the European Night of Museums.
Snezana Domazet, professor, thanked the audience for the response, the artists who justified their trust this year, and the new members who did excellent work in a short period of time. 64 works were exhibited, which are in the rank of professional artists, said Domazet and declared the exhibition open. On Saturday, May 18, on the occasion of the International Day of Museums and the European Night of Museums, the exhibition of the Art Studio for Adults of the Cerovac Education Center was opened at the Museum of Herzegovina in Trebinje.
Ivana Grujić, director of the Museum of Herzegovina in Trebinje, pointed out that the works of our fellow citizens, whose talent and quality of work we saw last year, were presented, and she especially thanked the artists who remained persistent in their desire to further improve their talent. Such manifestations are an opportunity for museums to be open to those who do not have an academic painting education, said Mrs. Grujić.
Miljana Miskin, director of the Cerovac Education Center, stated that the works of 13 artists, created during the past year, were exhibited. The works have different themes, made with different techniques, and the members of the studio chose their favorite motifs, which they presented in their own way, Miskin said.
Olja Ćuk, one of the professors who works with the members of the studio, thanked the Museum of Herzegovina for the cooperation and the opportunity to exhibit for the second time as part of the European Night of Museums.
Snezana Domazet, professor, thanked the audience for the response, the artists who justified their trust this year, and the new members who did excellent work in a short period of time. 64 works were exhibited, which are in the rank of professional artists, said Domazet and declared the exhibition open.