Синоћ је у Галерији Музеја Херцеговине у Требињу отворена изложба фотографија хрватског фоторепортера, хроничара и визуелног умјетника Фјодора Феђе Кларића. На почетку присутне је поздравила гђа Ивана Грујић, директор Музеја Херцеговине, која је представила умјетника и истакла да је изложба организована у сарадњи са Галеријом Visconty Fine Art из Љубљане, Живом и Лазаром Вујићем, са којимa је, у птотекле двије деценије, приређено неколико значајних изложби. ,,Феђа Кларић је рођени Сплићанин, дугогодишњи фоторепортер часописа ,,Слободна Далмација“, а његов жанр, којем је остао вјеран и нарочито се види на овој изложби, је фотографија из живота, live-фотографија“, додала је Грујићева.
An exhibition of photographs by the Croatian photojournalist, chronicler and visual artist Fjodor Feđa Klarić was opened last night in the Gallery of the Herzegovina Museum in Trebinje. At the beginning, the attendees were greeted by Mrs. Ivana Grujić, director of the Museum of Herzegovina, who introduced the artist and pointed out that the exhibition was organized in cooperation with the Visconty Fine Art Gallery from Ljubljana, Živo and Lazar Vujić, with
whom, in the past two decades, several important exhibitions have been organized. „Feđa Klarić is a native of Split, a long-time photojournalist for the magazine „Slobodna Dalmacija“, and his genre, which he has remained faithful to and can be seen in this exhibition in particular, is photography from life, live photography“, added Grujić. Then the author himself spoke about his work, stressing that he is very pleased to be exhibiting in Trebinje, the hometown of Lepa Smojе, the wife of Miljenko, who are known as the most famous couple in Dalmatia, and with whom he is bound by decades of cooperation and companionship. Lepa was born in Trebinje, in the twenties of the last century, while her father was the county governor in Trebinje. „There is also a portrait of Lepa and Miljenko at the exhibition, which I somehow brought back to my hometown“, pointed out Feđa and gave the floor to Mr. Anto Tomić, Croatian writer and journalist, „today’s Miljenko Smojе“.
Mr. Tomić reflected on Klarić’s very rich and fruitful artistic work, pointing out that this exhibition is extremely dear to him because it is distinctly feminine, because the photographs show women, women who are beautiful and attractive to Feđa and in whom he sees female strength, how heroic they are figures, indispensable and important. He emphasized that Feđa’s rich photographic oeuvre is impossible to comprehend and that even he, who knows Feđa’s photographs well, recognizes only two or threeat this exhibition. Thanking for the invitation
and wishing Feđa Klarić more exhibitions, Mr. Tomić ceremoniously opened the exhibition.
On the finally, Mr. Feđa Klarić presented the monograph Sinjska alka to the director museum Ivani Grujić, and the monograph Split by Mr. Lazi Vujić, as a sign thanks for organizing this exhibition. The exhibition can be viewed until August 5, 2022.