У четвртак, 3. јуна, у Галерији Музеја Херцеговине у Требињу уприличен је матурски концерт Средње музичке школе „Требиње“ у Требињу. На почетку je младе умјетнике, са поносом, представила директор Музичке школе „Требиње“ гђа Душанка Бабић, истакавши њихова учешћа на међународним такмичењима и бројне награде које су освојили пожељевши им пуно успјеха у даљем школовању. Публика је имала прилику да ужива у звуцима Шопена, Кванца, Рамоа, Наполеон Косте, Шумана, Бериоа, Кусјакова и Мокрањца, која су маестрално извели Ања Риђешић, Невена Ћурчић, Симеон Мучибабић, Наташа Мијовић и Катарина Јанковић уз клавирску пратњу професора Николе Симовића. Придружујемо се честиткама и желимо им да постану врхунски музичари. On on Thursday, June 3, a graduation concert of the High School of Music „Trebinje“ in Trebinje was organized in the Gallery of the Museum of Herzegovina in Trebinje. At the beginning, the young artists were proudly introduced by the director of the Music School „Trebinje“, Mrs. Dušanka Babić, emphasizing their participation in international competitions and the numerous awards they won, wishing them a lot of success in further education. The audience had the opportunity to enjoy the sounds of Chopin, Kvanc, Ramo, Napoleon Kosta, Schumann, Berio, Kusjakov and Mokranjac, which were masterfully performed by Anja Riđešić, Nevena Ćurčić, Simeon Mučibabić, Nataša Mijović and Katarina Janković with piano accompaniment by Professor Nikola Simo. We join in the congratulations and wish them to become top musicians., a graduation concert of the High School of Music „Trebinje“ in Trebinje was organized in the Gallery of the Museum of Herzegovina in Trebinje. At the beginning, the young artists were proudly introduced by the director of the Music School „Trebinje“, Mrs. Dušanka Babić, emphasizing their participation in international competitions and the numerous awards they won, wishing them a lot of success in further education. The audience had the opportunity to enjoy the sounds of Chopin, Kvanc, Ramo, Napoleon Kosta, Schumann, Berio, Kusjakov and Mokranjac, which were masterfully performed by Anja Riđešić, Nevena Ćurčić, Simeon Mučibabić, Nataša Mijović and Katarina Janković with piano accompaniment by Professor Nikola Simo. We join in the congratulations and wish them to become top musicians.